Category: Blog

  • Have you signed up for the Solcana Invitational? 

    Have you signed up for the Solcana Invitational? 

    I sure hope you have! If you want to get right to it you can SIGN UP HERE I’ve been asking a lot of people around the gym, and I often hear similar responses from those that haven’t signed up so I just want to clarify some things and hopefully encourage you to sign up.…

  • Membership FAQ’s

    Membership FAQ’s

    When do my classes start?Your billing cycle is the start of your monthly classes. For example, if your payment happens on the 27th of the month, that is when your monthly classes start. It does not go by calendar date.  What is the class cancellation policy? There is a 2 hour class cancellation policy. If you…

  • Where does motivation come from? 

    Where does motivation come from? 

    Exploring what motivates you is a really important part of building any new routine. Asking the “why” is what will help you build meaningful habits that last you a lifetime. When you are new, your resolve is more fragile. Extrinsic motivation is needed. Your habits aren’t built in yet and it isn’t a part of…

  • Which days of the week should I come? 

    Which days of the week should I come? 

    It truly doesn’t matter for overall health which days of the week you come. Each day you come you will always be getting a full body workout and you will be working on a skill of some sort. Our programming usually runs in 8-12 week cycles. During those cycles, we will have various focuses and…

  • Why consistency is important…

    You may have seen our athletes in the 1000 class club and wonder how they did it. Start small, with your first 25 classes, then 100 classes, and soon enough that goal won’t seem so far away. What do we mean by consistency? You don’t have to come to the same day and time every…

  • February Athlete of the Month: Kacia Lee

    February Athlete of the Month: Kacia Lee

    We are so honored to announce our February Athlete of the Month: Kacia Lee! Kacia is a dedicated Fit from Home Athlete and we are so excited to feature her this month! Kacia wanted to keep it real here: “I don’t feel like an athlete, but I do feel like a person who has been…

  • January Athletes of the Month: Kira Hasbargen and Mike Grewe

    January Athletes of the Month: Kira Hasbargen and Mike Grewe

    This month we have something special to announce here at Solcana….. *drum roll*………. THE 1000 CLASS CLUB! We have two athletes, Kira and Mike, who have surpassed this incredible accomplishment during their years at Solcana. They are such dedicated athletes and we wanted to honor them this month!! They both live in the neighborhood in…

  • December Athlete of the Month: Sam Taitel

    December Athlete of the Month: Sam Taitel

    We are stoked to announce Sam Taitel as our December Athlete of the Month. Sam is as a total badass in and out of the gym. They can lift some pretty heavy stuff here and outside of Solcana they practice Aikido. Coach Hannah says “Sam is such an inspiration. They have been through so much…

  • 2021 Fall Challenge Winners

    2021 Fall Challenge Winners

    So many congrats are in order! Everyone did incredible work on the fall challenge, and it was an honor to watch you all give everything you got to those lifts. The clean & jerk, bench press, and chin ups require technique, guts, and raw strength. We had 62 athletes sign up and saw SO MANY…

  • The End of Year Cycle

    The End of Year Cycle

    Hello everyone! First off, great job to all the folks that took part in the Fall Challenge. Whether you did the challenge itself or just took part in the programming, everyone did a great job and are making some BIG GAINS! 🏋️‍♀️ We’ve reached what is always a bit of a weird time of the…

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